With the information collected in the Feasibility Analysis, we will be able to implement the discovery phase of the project. The purpose of this step is to explore and evaluate the different options available to configure the maquiladora operation. The Discovery Phase is a 7-step process that will deliver a detailed timeline and financial model for the project.

1. Meeting with Business Councils and Government officers
Depending or the decision of where the factory could be installed, we will schedule meetings with business councils and government officials. New investments in Mexico area generally backed with incentives by government offices, we will guide you through this process and connect your company with Business councils that will facilitate the installation of your company and support your business strategies.
2. Visit Industrial Parks
We will use the information from the feasibility analysis to find the right location and facilities for your operation, we have a very good network of developers and professionals of industrial parks. We will support you leading negotiations to obtain competitive prices.
3. Evaluate Shelter vs. Standalone Option
We will set up meetings with corporate lawyers, certified public accountants, and shelter companies, we will elaborate cost-benefits analysis to determine the best option for your company, including a comparison of competitive advantages between shelters and standalone options.
4. Transition Plan Overview
The transition plan is probably the most critical part of the discovery phase, our Maverick Team will put their experience to work with you to develop a detailed plan for a transition of your manufacturing operations, this plan will take into account demand analysis, production controls, supply chain situation, inventory levels, the objective is to avoid disruptions in production and supply that could affect the performance of your business during this transition.
5. Project Timeline Development
Our Focus Project Management Team will develop a detailed project plan for the start-up of the operations, which includes actions related to:
- Human Resources
- Finance
- Facilities Set-up and Installations
- Machinery and Equipment
- Engineering and Quality
- Production and Inventory Management
- Customs
- Logistics
- Training
- Process Documentation
This document will dictate each step of setting up the new operation and will be the reference for any future decisions during the transition.
6. Financial Model Analysis
The financial model will be the verification tool for the entire project; based on the Transition Plan, we will work with your finance team to develop a Pro-Forma Operational Budget, a Capital Expenditure Budget (CAPEX) and a Projection of a Financial Statement for the Installation and Ramp-up Phases.
7. Project Presentation and Approval Process
The purpose of the discovery phase is to provide you with enough information and the right tools for you to make a decision and commit to the success of your transition project, below are the elements you will get during this process:
- Government incentives (Federal, State and City)
- Business council promotions and seminars
- Industrial Parks survey and listing pricing
- Labor survey
- Standalone timeline and pricing
- Competitive comparison of shelters
- Transition plan (manufacturing expansion or relocation)
- Detailed project timeline
- Pro-Forma Operational Budget
- CAPEX Budget
- Ramp-Up Financial Statement Projections